Undeliverable Packages Reason Code Glossary

Below is a list of reason codes found in the app along with their meaning. Use this list to determine the best reason code for your undeliverable package. For more information on handling undeliverable packages, click here.

Address not found - The address does not populate in 2 or more GPS apps. 

Package damaged - A package that is damaged in transit and no longer in satisfactory condition to be delivered to the customer. 

Guest requested delivery to another address - The customer asks you to deliver the package to another address. 

Inclement weather - Severe weather conditions in the area make it unsafe for you to deliver the package. 

Vehicle breakdown/issue - You are significantly delayed or no longer able to continue delivering because of a breakdown or issue with your car. 

Address inaccessible - other - You are not able to gain access to the customer’s property due to a physical barrier that you were not able to pass (ex: Locked door at apartment building, road closure, etc). 

No Gate Code - You are unable to reach an address because it is behind a security gate, and the customer has not provided the gate code in the delivery instructions. 

Business Closed - You are not able to reach the front door of a business and have nowhere to safely deliver the package. 

Missing Package - You cannot locate a package that is on your route and shows that it was scanned at the Sortation Center. 

Delivery Window Expired - The delivery window has expired, and you are no longer able to deliver the packages on time.

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